State Government Day is two days in our state capital – Annapolis. Class members will travel together on a bus, arriving in Annapolis for lunch on day one. The formation of this agenda is a constantly moving target leading up to the topic day, however, there are some key areas of focus that are maintained each year, including:

  • An overview of law-making in the State of Maryland
  • A brief session with the Senate President
  • A photo with the Governor, Lt. Governor or other key representative
  • Dinner with our local Delegation
  • Tour of the State House
  • Observation of House and Senate proceedings from the gallery
  • Observation of Committee meetings in House and Senate

This portion of the program allows for great discussion, particularly based on current issues unfolding during the legislative session. Members of the class are added to the Chamber’s Legislative Committee and are encouraged to attend some meetings leading up to the topic day. This will help to understand the issues, as well as the Chamber’s position.

To learn more about our other topic days, click here.

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OFFICE: 24 Frederick Street, Cumberland, MD 21502

PHONE: (301) 722-2820

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